Blogs on heathenry, witchcraft, animist, religious reconstruction by real people, chronicling living practices and sometimes the beginnings of new traditions.
- Bones’s Lazy Heathenry: a Norse Heathen in the 21st century
- Cardinal: Norse Heathen devotee & poet
- Cıbear-ḟoraoıs Sneaċta: Wegaz Nurþerōn Marimarkōn and other musings
- Of Axe and Plough: Anglo-Saxon Heathenry and Roman Polytheism
- Sigmani at Longing for the Mountains: Yngvic Finno-Norse Heathen
- Sigroni
- The Cunning Wīf, The Wind’s Eye: Animism, polytheism, folklore, spirit work, & witchcraft
- Thought Emulsion: regionalised, syncretic Anglo-Saxon heathenry
- Thunder Witch of the Woods: A Germanic and Slavic Polytheist Blog
- Wandering BlackBird (Sian): Heathen & folklore-inspired witchcraft
That inspire me, shake the cobwebs from between my ears, etc.
The Longship
This website is just one of many possible beginner’s guides for a new Heathen, and is based on the style of Heathenry taught by established online communities and websites, in particular, Lārhūs Fyrnsida. (...) Heathenry is a revivalist religion seeking to bring the practice of the ancient Germanic peoples into the present day. In simplest terms, it uses information inferred or represented in scholarship to form the foundation of a modern, polytheistic religious tradition.
Toutâ Galation
Toutâ Galation is an organization dedicated to growth, promotion, and revival of Gaulish Polytheism as a living religious practice.
Sidjus Reidarje Sauilis
This website is the online portal of Sidjus Reidarje Sauilis, a tradition of Gothic Heathenry focused on continuing the divine legacy of the Gods Gapt and Teiws. It is a reconstructed religion inspired by the beliefs and practices of the ancient Goths, who were in turn influenced by their neighbors across Europe and Eurasia.
Lārhūs Fyrnsida
The Lãrhus Fyrnsida site will serve as a tool for newcomers and other interested parties to learn more about the pre-Christian religion of the Germanic peoples who settled England in (approx.) the early 5th century (ie: The Anglo-Saxons).
Thia Frankisk Aldsido
Thia Frankisk Aldsido (TFA) can be translated into ModE as The Old Frankish Custom. It is a reconstructed and retro-engineered religious pursuit aimed at reviving the ontological condition of the ancient Frankish people(s). The time periods with which the religion is most concerned are the pre-Merovingian tribal age and that of the Merovingian age proper.
Various articles across the web.
- A brief primer on Reconstruction: How to do it and innovate within its structure by Selgowiros (2019)
- Witches Allegedly Stole Penises and Kept Them as Pets in the Middle Ages by Callie Beusman (2016)
- How Magic Helps Me Live With Pain And Trauma by Maranda Elizabeth (2016)