Polytheist or Pagan? A Little Poll

At the beginning of the month, I launched a little poll on pagan.plus:

My reach on pagan.plus is actually not very large, so I was pretty happy with the 45 participants.

Personally, like 8 other polled members of pagan.plus, I actually prefer the term "polytheist" to describe myself. This is not the popular preference, which I find very interesting. I find "polytheist" to more accurately describe my own worldview, "pagan" really does feel more nebulous somehow, even though a lot of people feel like "pagan" implies "polytheism" — but historically, it didn't always. I also find "polytheist" useful because it allows me to delineate my religious views from "pantheism."

What about you? Do you prefer "polytheist" or "pagan" to describe yourself? I think I still prefer using the term "animist" (as seen in my bio on this blog), but in a pinch, "polytheist" is useful.

Interesting responses to the poll and this post:

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